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Level 1 Foundation

Instructor: Monique Janmaat

Location: The Hague, Netherlands

On Site

Language: English



Deep Democracy is a practical facilitation method to start dialogue together. It actively looks for the wisdom of the minority and enables its members to participate in the process at hand. In the dialogue, alternative points of views are heard, explored and brought into the decision-making process. This results in widely supported decisions and optimal use of the potential of the group. Deep Democracy offers ways to facilitate a dialogue and participatory decision-making, which leads to group dynamics enabling co-creation.

What do you learn?
During the two day Level 1 training, you will be provided with the theoretical concepts of Deep Democracy. Next to that, you will learn practical facilitation methods that you can directly apply in your own work or private situation. The focus is on recognising the voice of the minority and how to add this wisdom to the decision of the majority. You learn to deal with the rational and emotional aspects of group processes and decision-making. There is also plenty of space to practice during the training. You learn to:
• Follow group dynamics and target your interventions.
• Look at groups in a different way.
• Work with tensions and conflicts in groups.
• Take decisions that are 100% supported.
• Realise transformations in groups.
• Strengthen relations in groups..

Content Level 1
The programme is not fixed and will be decided upon by the group through Deep Democracy. In this way, you immediately experience the method concerning small decisions. Elements of the programme are:
• ¬Facilitating check-in and check-out process.
• Recognising terrorist line behaviour in the group.
• Role theory (fundamentally different way of looking at a group).
• Applying the 5 steps of Deep Democracy; an approach to surface all alternative opinions and perspectives and take them along in decision-making.
• Specific methods such as ‘Soft shoe shuffle’ and ‘The Argument’.
• Increasing awareness about the roles you take up in a group.
• Your own neutrality in a group and the impact of it.

The study load is 16 hours. After finishing this course, participants will receive an official Deep Democracy Level 1 certificate. Besides, you will get access to Deep Democracy Level 2 and to the online Deep Democracy community.
Please have a look at our calendar [link] to find the dates.

September 25

Level 3 Foundation

October 2

Level 1 Foundation