Licensed Instructors
Executive Coach and Team Coach at Context Professionals
CoResolve Instructor, Accredited Facilitator
Istanbul, Turkey
Cahide is an executive coach with 3500+ hours of coaching experience. She coaches organizations, relationships, groups & executives. She has international experience coaching professionals from global companies in various industries from all around the world. Prior to coaching, she has spent 25 years as a professional executive in various senior executive management roles. Her passion is to support leaders & organizations to achieve extraordinary business results. She provides this support through leadership development programs, team coaching & executive coaching. She uses various approaches and has a wide toolbox including Lewis Deep Democracy tools for understanding group dynamics, conflict resolution and collaborative decision making. She is also a teaching faculty at the Gestalt Center for Coaching.
Leadership and Team Coach
CoResolve Instructor
Istanbul, Turkey
Sevil is a Leadership Coach, accredited by ICF. She supports managers on communication, leadership and management development, and helps teams on relationship management. Sevil started her career as a Computer Engineer. She worked in consulting areas and various management roles from middle level management to senior executive management positions within her 20+ years of multinational corporate experience. She worked with different sorts of systems both in IT and management roles. Here work in IT systems incorporated business processes, big-scale re-engineering, and change management projects, whereas her management responsibilities focused on relationship systems, leadership, and team collaboration initiatives.
Ever since 2015, Sevil combined her management and corporate experiences with her coaching business. Having started with Gestalt approach, she enriches her coaching practice with various approaches including Lewis Deep Democracy tools, by which she supports leaders for group dynamics, resistance and conflict management.
Facilitator and UnConsultant at Por Muta
Instructor, CoResolve, Levels 1-2
Istanbul, Turkey
Cihan is a facilitator/consultant with her work on designing/implementing inclusive and emergent processes. She works on capacity building for civil society, workplace rights, gender(ILO PGA), social impact, anti-child labour, LGBTIQ+, immigration, conflict resolution, human rights, discrimination and inclusive stakeholder engagement. Being an accredited Lewis Deep Democracy instructor, she also works with nature-based emergent approaches such as Sociocracy, TheoryU, Social Presencing Theatre, Open Space Technology, Socratic Dialogue, Art of Hosting and NVC. She works in partnerships to mainstream these approaches into social impact spaces via her initiative Por Muta, to hear all the silent voices (hence the name For the Mute). She is also the co-founder of NGO Hasat, an organisation focusing on emergence impact through co-design and co- facilitation by bringing an understanding of engagement, conflict and inclusion.
Hoş geldiniz! Türkiye'deki ilk Deep Democracy eğitimi Myrna Lewis tarafından 2012'de İstanbul'da verildi. O günden bu yana bir çok farklı kişiyle ve özel sektörden okullara, belediyelerden sivil toplum örgütlerine kadar bir çok farklı organizasyon ile paylaşıldı. Artık kolaylaştırıcılık ve eğitim hizmetleri sunmak için Türkiye'de daha büyük bir kapasiteye sahibiz, hem İngilizce hem de Türkçe olarak ve yüzyüze ya da online farklı hizmetler sunmaktayız. Deep Democracy CoResolve Liderlik Eğitimi veya 1'den 4'e tüm seviye Deep Democracy eğitimlerinden kendinize uygun olanı tercih ederek global bir sertifikaya sahip olabilir, bunun için aşağıda listelenen akredite kolaylaştırıcı ve eğitmenlerimize ulaşabilirsiniz.