The Netherlands

Licensed Instructors

  • Anna Kanneworff

    Diversity & Inclusion & Conflict at Diversity Matters

    Instructor, Levels 1-3, Accredited Facilitator, Elder

    Den Haag and Scheveningen, Netherlands

  • Sr. Trainer, Coach & Facilitator voor mens, teams & organisaties op het gebied van verdiepende besluitvorming, samenwerking, vitaliteit & hrm at Talent2Learn

    Instructor, CoResolve and Level 1, Accredited Facilitator

    Abcoude, Netherlands

    Duidelijke monologen maken nog geen dialoog. Daar is meer voor nodig.

    Gerlanda brengt mens, teams en organisaties tot bloei door o.a. verdiepende, democratische dialogen. Ook als het spannend wordt. Gerlanda maakt gebruik van jarenlange ervaring als coach, trainer, procesbegeleider van groepen en personen bij diverse bedrijven, plus haar expertise in organisatiepsychologie, brein centraal leren, medezeggenschap, systemisch werken, teamdynamiek en teamontwikkeling, zet ik graag in.

    Ledereen doet er toe! Ook jij als persoon met je inbreng. Ik versterk daarom graag mensen, teams en organisaties bij verdiepende dialogen met jezelf en elkaar, waardoor er rijkere keuzes worden gemaakt waarin iedereen zich kan vinden.

  • Procesbegeleider- Strategie en complexe besluitvorming - Participatie & Transitie - Onderwijs at Deep Democracy Noord

    Level 1 Instructor, Accredited Facilitator

    Friesland, Netherlands

    Deep Democracy Noord staat voor de werkelijke ontmoeting. Voor Noordelijke nuchterheid. Met beide benen op de grond. Voor verbinding met elkaar. Voor leren van elkaars verschillen. Iedereen heeft zijn eigen geluid, toonhoogte, volume en kleur. Wij nodigen je uit om dit te tonen én nieuwsgierig te zijn naar alle andere geluiden; ook als die heel anders zijn dan de jouwe. Door ruimte te geven aan alles wat er is, leren we jou je eigen stem te vinden en te luisteren naar wat een ander te zeggen heeft. We hebben ook allemaal ons eigen ritme. Zo heeft de één heeft het hart op de tong en is de ander meer bedachtzaam. De één is meer haantje de voorste, terwijl de ander de kat uit de boom kijkt. De één heeft snel zijn mening klaar, terwijl de ander blijft wikken en wegen.

    Door aandacht te hebben voor ons eigen ritme én dat van de ander wordt helder in hoeverre ritmes op elkaar aansluiten of juist conflict veroorzaken. Wij ondersteunen jullie in het vinden van een gezamenlijk ritme zodat er meer flow ontstaat in de samenwerking en er rijkere besluiten genomen kunnen worden. Dit doen wij door Deep Democracy in het Noorden te verspreiden. Thuis, op school, in de wijk, op het werk of in politiek en bestuur. Door zelf te faciliteren én door anderen de tools te leren. Maar ook door professionals in Noord Nederland die vanuit het Deep Democracy gedachtengoed werken met elkaar te verbinden.

    Vanuit de drive om continu te leren van en met elkaar hebben wij een Noordelijk netwerk opgezet. Een ontmoetings- en werkplaats waar je inspiratie, ideeën en adviezen kunt halen en brengen. En soms elkaar een duwtje in de rug kan geven om vanuit vertrouwen de tools van Deep Democracy te hanteren. Zo kunnen we met elkaar goede gesprekken en betere besluitvorming bewerkstelligen.

  • Listener, Facilitator, Coach and Trainer at Ym Interim

    CoResolve Instructor, Accredited Facilitator

    Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

    Marien’s attention and energy is focused on on the people. He uses proven methods to search for and explore the strengths of both the individuals and the group to develop together.

    Every change you want to realize successfully depends on the people involved. They make the difference. For a real transformation, it is critical to explore and use the strengths of all.

  • Instructor, Coach, Facilitator and Advisor at Sas Sankofa

    Instructor, Levels 1-3

    Zeist, Netherlands

    Sacha is a certified instructor for LDD courses 1,2 and 3 and runs her own company, Sas Sankofa. Movement in all kind of ways is important for her, so she facilitates people and organizations with getting them into motion to speak up, to have a more impactful conversation and a better process for inclusive decision making. With the use of special authentic skills she creates new opportunities in difficult conversations and she sets change in motion by training, counselling and coaching. She trains people to speak up and to explore different options.

  • Leiderschap, veranderkunde & Rijnlands organiseren

    CoResolve Instructor

    Door mijn ervaring als manager in verschillende corporate bedrijven en als wijk-werker voor de gemeente kan ik in zeer diverse omgevingen werken met groepen. Als ondernemer werk ik met studenten in maatschappelijke projecten. Verschillende situaties vragen verschillend leiderschap, maar altijd centraal: we lossen het samen op. CoResolve!

  • Partner at Spectrum

    Instructor, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3

    Gelderland, Noord-Brabant & Limburg, Netherland

    Hanneke is a certified instructor for the Lewis Deep Democracy Levels 1, 2, and 3. She believes in ‘People have the power’, especially with their dreams and ideas. By implementing the Lewis Deep Democracy method in her daily life and work, she facilitates the decision-making process for people, professionals, and organizations to be more inclusive. Having a more impactful conversation and finding the divergent opinion within the group dynamic really makes the difference.

  • Trainer, Consultant and Senior Lecturer at Perspectivity

    Elder, CoResolve Instructor

    The Hague, Netherlands

    Lisette has worked for over 22 years in social complex issues. She loves to work with women and youth on coalition building and inclusion. She does this often in countries where there is conflict is openly happening or where the freedom of speech is constraint. Lisette is also a senior lecturer for the Master management and innovation in civil society organisations in The Netherlands.

  • Instructor, Levels 1-4, Elder, Accredited Facilitator

    Utrecht, Netherlands

    Highly Experienced LDD facilitator and instructor.

  • Executive Coach and Mediator at Bouckaert Deep Democracy and Mediation Coaching

    Instructor, CoResolve and Levels 1-3, Accredited Facilitator

    Maarn, Netherlands

    Sandra Bouckaert is the specialist helping professionals work together naturally, teaching them to deal with tension and conflicts, so they can achieve their joint goals. Sandra Bouckaert is a Deep Democracy facilitator/instructor, a Let’s Talk facilitator and Psychodramatist. Other methods which she works with are: Theme Centred Interaction, the Alternatives to Violence Project and Ontological Coaching. Her writing is centred on the themes: leadership, team development, team coaching, conflict, group dynamics, communication and team work.

  • Instructor, Levels 1-2, Elder

    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    As a facilitator, Christien has had the privilege of living and working in over 10 countries. She’s fascinated by people, and how we find different answers to those big universal questions: how do we deal with differences? How do we navigate power? How do we transform conflict? I believe that sincere listening, both to others and to ourselves is key to moving forward. Christien aims to be both brave and humble in the face of conflict. By identifying patterns in the communication, she can propose alternative pathways to better connect. Christien works in Dutch, English, Spanish and French.

  • Facilitator at HvH Begeleiding

    Instructor, Level 1

    Amsterdam, Netherland

    I'm comfortable working with (large) groups. I add my skills from family constellations and organisational constellations to my work. Neutrality is very important to me. As is allowing all voices and emotions. I have a lot of experience working with Municipalities.

  • Instructor, Levels 1-3 and CoResolve

    Doorn, Netherlands

    Inge loves to work with team leaders who want to make a change. She helps the teams to look for insights in the chaos of change so they can move forward. She facilitates lively and profound conversation. By paying attention to all people, opinions and emotions, she creates meetings in which openness is created. Team leaders often say that when Inge stands next to people they see them grow. Inge does not only listen to the words that are being spoken but also uses the wisdom of the body (Embodied learning). When all information is on the table, the team can make conscious choices about what should remain the same and what will be different. Ownership for the change thus comes from within and not just from the team leader. ‘Together we can move mountains’ is what she aims for.

  • Instructor, Levels 1-2

    Utrecht, Netherlands

    Cultural anthropologist by education | Designing and facilitating inclusive and participatory processes & learning-by-doing programs around cultural change, leadership, inclusive decision making and collective action.

    Geared towards a sustainable and resilient society. Mara supports individuals, groups and organisations to re-connect to the core of the matter and step into leadership to take committed and meaningful action, individually and collectively. Because she strongly believes that sustainability and resilience in society have a significant social component, that is about people and their culture of leadership: our perceptions, behaviours and relationships with ourselves, the other and the world around us.

  • Leadership, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Homecomingcoach and Human Dimensions

    Instructor: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3

    I trigger preferably leaders, to self reflect. After connecting on a personal level, I enjoy disrupting the status quo a little bit to facilitate movement in minds and teams. Love it!

  • Level 1 Instructor, Accredited Facilitato

    Deep Democracy Noord staat voor de werkelijke ontmoeting. Voor Noordelijke nuchterheid. Met beide benen op de grond. Voor verbinding met elkaar. Voor leren van elkaars verschillen. Iedereen heeft zijn eigen geluid, toonhoogte, volume en kleur. Wij nodigen je uit om dit te tonen én nieuwsgierig te zijn naar alle andere geluiden; ook als die heel anders zijn dan de jouwe.

    Door ruimte te geven aan alles wat er is, leren we jou je eigen stem te vinden en te luisteren naar wat een ander te zeggen heeft. We hebben ook allemaal ons eigen ritme. Zo heeft de één heeft het hart op de tong en is de ander meer bedachtzaam. De één is meer haantje de voorste, terwijl de ander de kat uit de boom kijkt. De één heeft snel zijn mening klaar, terwijl de ander blijft wikken en wegen.

    Door aandacht te hebben voor ons eigen ritme én dat van de ander wordt helder in hoeverre ritmes op elkaar aansluiten of juist conflict veroorzaken. Wij ondersteunen jullie in het vinden van een gezamenlijk ritme zodat er meer flow ontstaat in de samenwerking en er rijkere besluiten genomen kunnen worden.

  • Instructor, Levels 1-4, Elder

    Frank is 64, and has lots of experience in facilitating conflict and polarized dynamics.

    He lives in Utrecht, and loves to travel.

  • Corporate Anthropologist at Human Dimensions

    Instructor, Levels 1-3


    Human Dimensions is specialized in human dimensions of leadership and working together. With the focus on how people shape cultures and how cultures shape people.

  • Trainer/ Consultant/ Coach at Deep Democracy NL

    Instructor, CoResolve and Levels 1-3, Elder

    The Hague, Netherlands

    Marieke has been working with DD since 2008 and still loves introducing people to the work. She coaches individuals and teams, facilitates workshops, trainings and change trajectories for all kinds of organizations with a special love for education and the care sector.

    Contact her if you like to know more.

  • Process facilitator/ Consultant/ Trainer at Perspectivity

    Instructor, Level 1 and Level 2

    Monique is a partner of Perspectivity Enterprise, facilitators of social systems change. Perspectivity is convinced that today’s complexity offers fantastic opportunities for creativity, innovation and collaboration. By embracing complexity, we can create our desired future together.

    Monique works in different sectors with a diversity of people, cultures, interests, and ensuring all voices are heard. Deep Democracy techniques help her and the groups she works with to deal with polarities and tensions. It is amazing what wisdom surfaces when you take a deep dive together under the waterline.

    Monique works internationally, mainly in Africa and Netherlands. Deep Democracy is one of the approaches she use together with others such as Future Search, Appreciative Inquiry, Theory U etc. She loves training level 1 and 2 and facilitating processes using Deep Democracy.

  • Dialogue facilitator, (team) coach and trainer in the field of personal, leadership and team development.

    CoResolve Instructor, Check-in Wave Instructor/Facilitator, Accredited Facilitator.



    My mission is to let the love and inspiration within organizations flow again. I have a strong drive to trigger groups and teams to move beyond feeling stuck by creating more transparency within the group to help them discover their own potential and wisdom. I know how to create a safe and permissive environment in which awareness can be raised and new experiences can be gathered.

    People want to change but not be forced into change. I believe that for change to be successful, it is crucial besides clarity that people are involved and that everyone's voice is being heard. In working with groups and changes, my attention and energy are focused on the people.

    In my work I tap from my extensive experience with Deep Democracy, Process Work, Systemic Work and Transactional Analysis. I guide groups and their leaders towards unlocking their potential. I train leaders in having more open conversations with their teams and people, help them recognize and resolve conflicts at an early stage and make better and inclusive decisions because of that. To me that strengthens and drives leadership within the entire team, ready to face and overcome any future challenge on their path.